07 September 2011

Harrowing stubbles

Harrowing cereal and legumes stubbles time has started and we must prepare them for sowing. This task begins in August but it is not until September when farmers really do it. The reason is we have been waiting summer rains and other reason is we aren't allowed to use any plough, mini plough or discs harrow. Then, we only can use our chissel.

The summer is being very dry this year ( it has not rained from June), as a result the soil is very compact and if we have a large working deep, we create a lot of enormous clods and the tractor has to do a strong work, so we have an increment in diesel consumption. Another important problem is dust, because we must clean the filters every day if we want our tractor works very fine.

Regarding our pictures, we are using  our chissel with 11 rows (40x30mm). We used our Gil cultichissel with 15 rows but the soil is so hard we didn't get a good work. With this chissel, the Agrotron 85 works successfully and the stubble is completely broken although the working speed is not too huge (about 6,7 km/h).

You can see our pictures from Picasa.

You can watch a video about harrowing stubble from here: Video

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