11 May 2012

Killing weeds

At this moment in time, when we have sowed our sunflowers and all our cereal works have been done to prepare the harvesting, we had to work in our olive trees. We had to harrow them but we had sites where our cultichissel couldn't work, therefore we had to kill weeds manually. We had two options: we could use a hoe or herbicide... We thought to spray herbicide was easier, quicker and more comfortable for our back.

For this work performed last weekend, we used a Matabi backpack manual sprayer, what allowed us to access every sites. This job was performed easily and quickly, but when the backpack manual sprayer was full (16 litres), we could feel its weight in our back. The used herbicide was Glifosato, as you can see in our pictures.

Apart from this, we have other electric sprayer too, what works with batteries, but I think manual sprayer is better for this job because it has more caudal and we can work quicker.

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