13 October 2022

Harvesting V. Grape

We end our series of harvesting posts on the different tasks with a very popular crop in our region (Castilla - La Mancha) "the grape" and that during the months of September and October has a great activity. With the mechanization of the grape harvest, manual work has notably decreased, but there is still a lot of work to be done on foot. In any case, this post is focused on mechanized harvesting and we will show you how the Gregoire GL 8.4 of our friends Jesús and Tomás works, talking about our visit to the town of “El Toboso (Toledo)” a few days ago.

We remember more than 20 years ago, when we were just kids, we used to go to harvest grapes by hand on our farm and on some other neighbouring farms.  They were hard days but we remember them with great affection because you had a great time: you were with people all day, we ate in the camp and between back pain and tiredness we had a few laughs. All that has been lost to the benefit of a much faster grape harvest thanks to the machines and especially to the French manufacturer Gregoire

Watching the machine in operation is a real pleasure. It harvests perfectly at a high speed (around 4 km/h). The harvesting head allows working in different conditions of the vineyard, the unloading of the hoppers is very fast and the comfort in the cab is quite remarkable. In our video we comment on the main features of the GL 8.4. It is the opportunity to highlight its harvesting system, which is based on the use of 42 scales that make a watertight surface where the canes (up to 14 canes) pull the grapes and this is collected by means of belts that have an adjustable speed independently of the forward speed and the amount of grapes in each vineyard. 

Versión en español.

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